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About Me

Meet Esra

I am the Listener to the wisdom of my soul, my body, and my mind. A profound change I experienced in 2014 allowed me to meet my soul. When the universe chooses you, you will learn spiritual truths.

''The part belongs to the whole.” This is the one magical, universal rule. The metaphysical world connecting to the physical world. It means everything in this universe is connected to each other and works in the same system. For example: whatever makes you sick, poor, unhappy, or lost, you can change with Feng Shui, different eating habits, and shifting your thoughts or verbal expressions, and heal yourself.

​The universe, god, creator—whatever you call it—created the life on this planet as a special mathematics system. When you learn this, you can make changes in your life and find restoration.

If you want to heal, you should know the state of 5 elements in your body. Any deficiency or an excess of an element can lead to illness.

Esra Okur Poorman 

About Philosophy

My Philosophy

Rumi has a saying in the land where I was born, Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there.

When we are free from judgments on the journey of life, we get closer to ourselves and the creator, and this state of consciousness is a complete paradise.

I am a chi healing practitioner â€‹

Chi  healing involves the philosophy of ancient Chinese medicine. CHI healing can remove blockages in the chakras and restore the chi flow. 

While living in this world, we sometimes forget why we came to this world and get lost in the material world, we are living far away from our souls. On our journey to meet our higher self, we are born to our own potential by following the signs presented to us on this path, sometimes experiencing illness, lost, pain.

Everything that happens to because of  heal us and develop a higher consciousness.
We're all healers we just don't know how to do it, however it's very simple, whatever makes us sick heals us too.
it's called a transportation journey at a higher level of consciousness.


​When our consciousness reaches the level of multi-dimensional consciousness, we come to the point where we can see what is going on in this world from the creator's point of view.

In order for our infinite unlimited existence to remember  mission in this world and raise its consciousness, we must first improve ourselves , our way of life and our thoughts.
My mission is to guide souls who want to embark on this journey and to contribute to their healing and development.

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